The "Trio Herzog" accordion ensemble consists of Sophie and her older siblings, Christine and Leo Herzog.

All three siblings received their musical education at the artistically and traditionally Russian-influenced "Musik- & Kunstschule Glock" in Mühlacker, where they were individually nurtured in both technical and musical skills, initially focusing on their solo careers. This formative period provided the Herzog siblings with a shared foundation, creating the perfect conditions for their chamber music collaboration.

Christine and Leo both hold master’s degrees in accordion from the Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt Weimar. Currently, Leo is pursuing his concert diploma under Professor Stefan Hussong at the Hochschule für Musik Würzburg. His academic journey has also led him to the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz and to the esteemed Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing. Since 2022, Christine has been the only accordionist to receive a scholarship from the Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben, and in 2024, she became the first chair of the association YEHUDI MENUHIN Live Music Now Weimar.

As soloists and as a trio, the members of "Trio Herzog" present a broad repertoire that spans from Baroque to contemporary music. They have successfully showcased their talents at numerous national and international competitions and have performed on stages in Germany, China, Italy, France, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Austria.

Their mission is to liberate the accordion from common prejudices and to convince people that it is a serious and versatile instrument. While this instrument is often still regarded by the general public as a simple folk instrument, the classical accordion is much more—it is what the trio affectionately calls a "mobile orchestra". The combination of three accordions unlocks even greater possibilities than a single one: through masterful transcriptions, they can emulate a wide array of instrumental ensembles.

By pushing the boundaries of their own potential and that of the instrument, these three accordionists, all trained to the highest musical standards, are pioneering a new sonic landscape. Each sibling brings a unique wealth of experience, enriching and inspiring the others, and strengthening the trio as a cohesive unit. This formation is unique on a global scale—their sibling bond allows them to harmonize and fuse musically in an exceptionally profound way.

Together, they boldly chart new artistic paths, showcasing the accordion in an entirely new light—as an instrument that far surpasses the traditional expectations placed upon it.
